Э-почта: pas@pas.ee
Телефон: +372 5855 8864



Big Fine Art Truck DAF did join Plado Art Services OÜ fleet.

In 2021 our company started on a whole new level, we achieved our long term goal of purchasing our first big fine art truck.

Till now we only had the option of offering transport for smaller size shipments.

Of course, our new car meets all the requirements and needs of art transport, including climate-controlled cargo space, cargo space heating, air suspension, a long 2t tailgate and a real-time GPS tracking system.


Thanks to the excellent winter this year, we were able to test the capability of the new truck even with more extreme temperatures. The cargo space heating system maintains a stable temperature of +20 ° Celsius even with -25 ° frost, adding to the movement of cold wind.

Our first foreign visit with a new truck was made to our good neighbours in Stockholm, where we could immediately try the maximum capacity of our car and the possibilities of climate transport by sea.

Of course, we do not reserve our truck only for the transport of art, and we can also offer transport services for all other types of goods, offering both part-load and full-load solutions. In addition to art transport, various transport services are our additional priority. For example, we are an official partner for an international transport company in the transport and installation of delicate medical devices in the Baltic States. The parameters of our new car also correspond to the organization of the transport of medicines.

Plenty of kilometres and strong health for our car!

All your requests are wellcome!

e-mail: pas@pas.ee

phone: +372 57703776

or FB: Facebookis


Plado Art Services uus kontor ja ladu

Ruumipuudus — see on ühest küljest kindlasti loovust ja nutikust arendav, kui tuleb kõikide tööde ja tegemistega hakkama saada väiksemal pinnal kui sooviks, samas aga on oluliseks takistuseks arengule ja kasvule. Nii otsustasimegi, et ruumi peab juurde tulema.

2018 aasta varakevadel sai sõlmitud leping uue valmiva stock-office tüüpi lao- ja kontoriruumide rentimiseks alates kesksuvest.

Kuna hoone oli alles valmimisjärgus, siis saime arendaja ja ehitajaga otsida just meile kõige sobivamaid lahendusi ja viimistleda ruumid vastavalt meie erivajadustele.

Maja sai valmis juuli teises pooles ja meie suur kolimine toimus juulikuu viimastel päevadel.

Tagantjärele vaadates, nüüd kui ladu ja kontor on nö. ‘fully operational’, võib öelda, et suurimaks väljakutseks kujunes mitte niivõrd igapäeva töö kvaliteedi tagamine, kuivõrd pidevalt suureneva tööde hulga ärategemise kõrvalt leida lisaaega lao ja kontori sisustamiseks.

Igal juhul oleme tänaseks suure enamuse sisustamisega ühele poole saanud ja keskendume uutele väljakutsetele, mis uue ja suurema ruumiga tekkinud on.

Ladustamine on nüüd muutunud oluliselt suurema tähtsusega osaks meie ettevõttes. Suurematesse ruumidesse mahub palju rohkem asju sisse, seega ladustamisteenus ja temperatuuriladu on meie uued teenused, mida agaralt klientidele pakkuda.

Kulgeme tõeliselt põnevas etapis oma teekonnal ja ootame huviga milline on järgmine väljakutse.

Suur tänu meie suurepärasele partnerile Eigole Kassi tn. 4, meie eelmisele üürileandjale, kelle abil meie väike ettevõte alustas oma teekonda ja korraliku tuule tiibadesse sai. Aitäh!

Ahjaa, meie uus aadress ka ikka:

Sinilille tee 6,

75312 Peetri, Rae vald

2. maja, boks 12

Plado Art Services new Office & Warehouse

Do you know the situation where you do not have enough space to make things happen? We do! This problem haunted us every day. It was considerable barrier to growth and development of our company. So we made decision — we will have bigger rooms.

In early spring 2018 there was signed lease contract for renting the stock-office type rooms in a building still under construction. As per agreement the building supposed to be completed in mid summer.

As the building was not completed we had possibility to dictate to the builder what specific features we need considering our business.

Building was completed in second half of July and our big move was happening on last days of July.

Would say that biggest challenge during moving process was to find time after completing our every-day work, to settle us in to the warehouse and office. The new building was blank box when we did step in first time. So it can be imagined how much there was to do.

Today everything is almost done in warehouse & office, only few smaller tasks to complete and we are ready to face with new challenges.

Storage and warehousing is now as new service in our company. If earlier it was a small part of our economy, then now it is important side-business. So we are happy to offer to our clients full warehousing services and temperature controlled storage. Winter is coming, you know!

This is really interesting times in our company  and can not wait a day to learn which are the next challenges.

Big thanks to our last landlord Eigo from Kassi 4. We had really cooperative voyage together. Thank you!


And here is the address of our new office & warehouse:

Sinilille tee 6,

75312 Peetri, Rae vald

Building 2, box 12

Our new and great Fine Art Truck

2016 was very special for us!

We have now brand new fine art truck!

The plan to buy fine art truck has been our coal from beginning. And of course the truck had to meet all the requirements of transporting fine art. During planning we considered several different solutions: to buy used truck and rebuild it, to buy used chassis cab and build new fine art closed box on it or to buy new chassis cab and build closed fine art box on it. Finally we decided to choose last solution, most expensive but most reliable one. Preparations and planning took almost a year. And it took bit over 6 months from ordering chassis cab until the truck was ready to hit the road.

In June before Midsummer Day we had first test ride. First ride over border was to Helsinki. During half of year until now, we tested new truck in a different conditions such as extreme cold (-25 degrees C) and with heavy rain and we are proud to say that we have made very good choice. And most important — our good clients are very confident with our new truck. So, fly high, our MASTER!

We would like to thank our great friends, without your kind help we could not achieve the goal. Thank you so much: Indrek Lään, Ingrid Hindrikson, Jeroen Van Der Hoeven, Kristel and Margo Lempu, Mart Reinola ning Merle and Kristjan Pehk.

Brand new web-page

Avaleht_tõmmisOur new web-page is ready! Now it has very fancy new look, it is much more easy to use and visitors can find necessary info more quickly. Besides of renewal the general design we created News & Feedback section, where we talk about what we have done lately, about our achievements and show clients feedback about us. Thank you to everybody who helped us to build this new web-page.

X² Movers Logistics Network

Movers_Member_SignatureOn 29th April 2015 we joined with X² Movers Logistics Network which connects international removal companies. Thanks to belonging to this network we have had new reliable partners and clients from all over the world. Now we are able to offer more diversed and flexible services to our clients.


Tony Cragg sculpture

Thank`s a lot, Raivo!

It was a pleasure to work with you!


Our new logo

plado2The result of hard work and huge dedication we have been ready with our new logo. Designer Jaana Kool was our invaluable help and we would like to thank her for this amazing result.

Our company characteristic colours are sunny orange and calm darkblue which distinguish us from others and with what we are easily recognizable. Faceted form refers to services we provide- crate manufacture and boxes.


Member of International Association of Movers

IAM_logo_blue_text_centerSince 30th April 2014 we belong to International Association of Movers (IAM). Belonging to IAM means that company is providing high quality services and is having financial stability. This is confirmation to our clients and partners that they can trust their shipments to us.

With IAM wide partner network we will find most safe solution for your removal to anywhere you need.



facebook-logoYou can find us now from Facebook!